Auto Accident Chiropractic in Tuscaloosa

A car crash is one of the most traumatic events you can experience, even if you don’t think you’ve sustained major injuries. Damage to your joints, ligaments, and muscles can appear days or even weeks after the event, so it’s never safe to assume you’re completely injury-free without professional advice.
At Crimson Chiropractic Center, we have over 35 years of experience providing outstanding care for patients with various injuries resulting from car crashes.
Understanding the Effects of Whiplash
Even in extremely low-speed fender benders, you may sustain whiplash, the most common injury from car wrecks. This injury occurs when your head snaps backward and then forward very quickly, hyperextending the muscles and ligaments at both ends.
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Whiplash can cause sore or stiff necks, as well as shoulder pain, dizziness, headache, and reduced range of motion. It may also affect other parts of the body, causing back problems, ligament troubles, and problems with spinal discs. Many people have whiplash and don’t even realize it, thinking they feel sore and achy after the accident.
If left untreated, whiplash injuries could worsen or reach into other body parts, lasting even months after the initial event. This is why contacting our office as soon as possible after you experience an auto accident is important.
Comprehensive Care to Help You Heal
Our chiropractors, Dr. David Richardson or Dr. Daniel Fowler, will begin your chiropractic care by performing a complete examination, including a digital spinal X-ray, to determine what injuries or damage have occurred.
The appropriate care for auto accident injuries varies from patient to patient. Based on your examination and imaging, your chiropractor will design a customized care plan for you, which may include:
- Spinal manipulation
- Muscle relaxation or stimulation
- Exercises done both in the office and at home
- Lifestyle and ergonomic changes
Our holistic approach means we believe that the entire body is connected, so instead of focusing on individual areas, we address your body as a cohesive system to be tuned and corrected, which helps to relieve your pain and prevent further damage.
Get Out of Pain & on the Healing Path Today
We want to help you recover from your injuries and reclaim your life. Contact us today to schedule.